When it comes to paying for college or higher studies, scholarships are the best form of financial aid, since they offer students free money that never needs to be repaid. Scholarships are to reward a students’ academic achievement and educational programs. They ease the financial burden on the shoulders of many families and students, who cannot afford to pay for their college due to some circumstances. Whether you’re starting your career or you’re studying in high school to grow new abilities, receiving a scholarship is a big achievement. Talking about economic benefits, scholarships are especially appealing to young aspirants who are simply beginning their careers as employees. Scholarships can help reduce the student’s debt and work burden. It provides an opportunity for the students to contribute to the cost of their education instead of relying only on the bank of their parents. Taking a scholarship can open the way to various educational centres as well as employment opportunities.
Scholarship can be a Golden Opportunity for Genuine Aspirants
The scholarships have been around for a lot of years but some students also complain about the bad experience of the scholarships; some myths or rumours that have been spread about scholarships will discourage some students to earn the scholarship to support their education financially. So, let us examine ten myths about scholarships that discourage you from even applying for one.
Scholarships are Not Worth the Effort
Scholarships have been a great help to the students over the years in many countries; they provide them with the extra resources to help them with their research process. It is true that applying for a scholarship can be a tedious process and it may discourage some students to think that it is not worth the effort. After all, how many students succeed to get a scholarship to a renowned university or college each year?
It is also true that scholarship providing companies have made tough criteria to qualify for the scholarship process. But this is done, to ensure that the money they are investing in the students is well spent by them. Therefore there is no need to get discouraged if you have to work hard to earn the scholarship and meet the eligibility criteria and the bright and hard-working students never fail to get the scholarship. So, keep your spirit high and always remember that, “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love for what you are doing or learning to do.” -
Too Many People Apply for Scholarships
Another myth that seems to discourage students is that there are too many students who will apply for a single scholarship. The scholarships that have a lot of competition are typically from larger organizations who can afford to give away more; if the scholarship amount is not significant or only a few hundred bucks, it does not mean that a student should dismiss it. Never lose hope in your life and always remember that “Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person”. So just be one. -
Unclaimed Scholarships
There are two reasons for the scholarship money to go unclaimed; first, not a single student qualified for the scholarship or the student decided not to claim it for other reasons. -
A Good GPA will guarantee a Scholarship
It is always a thing to celebrate if you get a perfect CGPA, but that does not guarantee that you will receive a scholarship. There are other academic qualities to judge for granting the full-ride scholarships in many institutions. So, don’t think that if you have slightly low grades, then you will never get a scholarship. It is not always about technical skills, sometimes interpersonal skills do wonders. -
You, Will, Lose Other Financial Assistance
Getting a scholarship does not mean that you will not get any other financial assistance that you are already getting. Federal aid that you are receiving may continue along with a current scholarship from the institution. -
Only Athletes Get Scholarships
The myth that says scholarships are not for everyone should realize that they need more digging to find out that other students get scholarships too in addition to sportsmen. -
Only Minorities Get Scholarships
In many countries, a huge number of students from Africa and Asia get scholarships that might discourage some local students to apply for it. There is a scholarship for everyone out there if you are eligible. Some scholarships are reserved for minorities based on criteria that consider their race, ethnic background and nationality. Some students from specific countries are even denied the right to apply for a scholarship in some countries, but that does not mean that scholarships are only for minorities. -
High-Income Families Do Not Get Scholarships
The truth revealed above is that there is a scholarship for everyone, therefore even if you are not from a low-income family, it does not mean that you will not be given financial assistance. The low-income families are most likely to apply for need-based scholarships at various higher education institutions, but there are plenty of other scholarships to choose from if you are from a high-income family. -
Only High School Students Get the Scholarships
This myth is the oldest myth with a little truth behind it; there are also plenty of scholarships available for kids even if they are not in high school or applying for a graduate school. Do not wait until you get to high school; apply for a scholarship after doing some research. ‘Start working from now to achieve success in the future.’ -
Scholarships are Only For Young Students
This myth is also having a strong influence on the people who pass the age of 30 or 35. Rather than being too young, you can apply for a scholarship even in the middle age based on specific criteria. It is your job to thoroughly research the requirements of scholarships available for older students and apply for it.
‘Success will not be served on your plate; you have to achieve it through your hard work’.
Scholarships are important for all. This is not only for college programs but also for school or post-education achievements. Anyone can achieve a scholarship program by working very hard. Don’t follow myths, have a belief in reality and believe in yourself.